Song 11


The eleventh Song.


The Muse, her native earth to see,
Returnes to England over Dee;
Visits stout Cheshire, and there showes
To her and hers, what England owes;
And of the Nymphets sporting there
In Wyrrall, and in Delamere.
Weever, the great devotion sings
Of the religious Saxon Kings;
Those Riverets doth together call,
That into him, and Mersey fall;
Thence bearing to the side of Peake,
This zealous Canto off doth breake.

ith as unwearied wings, and in as high a gate
As when we first set forth, observing every state,
The Muse from Cambria comes, with pinions summ’d and
And having put her selfe upon the English ground,  (sound:
5First seiseth in her course the noblest Cestrian shore;
§. Of our great English bloods as carefull heere of yore,
As Cambria of her Brutes, now is, or could be then;
For which, our proverbe calls her, Cheshire, chiefe of men.
§. And of our Countries, place of Palatine doth hold,
10And thereto hath her high Regalities enrold:
Besides, in many Fields since Conquering William came,
Her people shee hath prov’d, to her eternall fame.
All, children of her owne, the Leader and the Led,
The mightiest men of boane, in her full bosome bred:
15And neither of them such as cold penurious need
Spurs to each rash attempt; but such as soundly feed,
Clad in warme English cloth; and maym’d should they returne
(Whom this false ruthless world else from their doores would spurne)
Have livelihood of their owne, their ages to sustaine.
20Nor did the Tenants pay, the Land-lords charge maintaine: