Song 5


The fift Song.


In this Song, Severne gives the doome
What of her Lundy should become.
And whilst the nimble Cambrian Rills
Daunce Hy-day-gies amongst the Hills,
The Muse them to Carmarden brings;
Where Merlins wondrous birth shee sings.
From thence to Penbrooke shee doth make,
To see how Milford state doth take:
The scattered Ilands there doth tell:
And, visiting Saint Davids Cell,
Doth sport her all the shores along,
Preparing the ensuing Song.

ow Sabrine, as a Queene, miraculouslie faire,
Is absolutelie plac’t in her Emperiall Chaire
Of Crystall richlie wrought, that gloriously did shine,
Her Grace becomming well, a creature so Divine:
5And as her God-like selfe, so glorious was her Throne,
In which himselfe to sit great Neptune had been known;
Whereon there were ingrav’d those Nymphs the God had woo’d,
And every severall shape wherein for love he su’d;
Each daughter, her estate and beautie, every sonne;
10What Nations he had rul’d, what Countries he had wonne.
No Fish in this wide waste but with exceeding cost
Was there in Antique worke most curiously imbost.
Shee, in a watchet weed, with manie a curious wave,
Which as a princelie gift great Amphitrite gave;
15Whose skirts were to the knee, with Corall fring’d belowe
To grace her goodly steppes. And where she meant to goe,
The path was strew’d with Pearle: which though they Orient were,
Yet scarce knowne from her feet, they were so wondrous cleere:
To whom the Mermaids hold her Glasse, that she may see
20Before all other Floods how farre her beauties bee: